

Surveys from myiyo are a great way to earn money online. Your knowledge and opinion can help companies and organizations make important decisions. As a token of our appreciation we reward you with cash for your valuable time and effort.

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Simply register with myiyo and then take part in our surveys. We will notify you of new surveys by email or app when they become available. We also tell you in advance how much you can earn. With every successful participation you collect points which you can exchange for money later on.


To get your first payout, you need to collect 20,000 points (that's € 20). You need a PayPal account so we can send you the money. The payment fees are paid by us. So you get the full amount that you earned.


As a member, you can optionally fill out your profile questionnaire so that we can also invite you to targeted surveys. The profile questionnaire collects information about your education, your job and various consumer behavior.

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Our members say...


Good surveys. Easy use


Easy to use. User friendly. Recieve payment


Never had any problems with it, easy to follow


The surveys are just about the right type of length and the questions are fairly simple to answer!

About myiyo

myiyo - Paid Surveys Online - is an international community of consumers and experts who make money by participating in paid surveys and thereby help companies and institutions with their market research. You can participate in paid surveys using the internet, so you can earn money at home or on the go.

myiyo was founded in 2004 and has been around for over 15 years now. From our small community in 2004, we have now grown into a large community of millions of people worldwide. During this time, we have conducted thousands of studies and millions of surveys around the world.

At myiyo you can voice your opinion and help companies improve their products. As a thank you for your time and effort, we reward you with money for each successful participation in a survey. The amount of the reward depends on the type and duration of the survey. Longer surveys are usually better paid.

About your privacy

myiyo was created and is operated by moweb research.

As an International Market Research Company, we fully adhere to ESOMAR’s guidelines for professional conduct as specified in "ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice" as well as the codices formulated by the BVM, the governing body for German Market Research.
myiyo respects and protects the rights of users relating to their personal data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

When we conduct surveys for our clients we share only anonymized information with our clients to protect our members’ privacy and identity.

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